Anger does not serve any purpose. It rarely pays to lose your temper. Anger can produce high blood pressure, ulcer, sleeplessness, tiredness and even heart disease. 'Anger' is one letter short of 'Danger'. Anger interferes with communication and results in guilt. Refusal to listen to the others side destroys any hope of a workable solution. Anger never works in changing others. Express anger in non-destructive ways.
Be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time and for the right purpose. Anger is a choice as well as a habit. Develop a sense of humour. Try to understand yourself and others. See the other person's point of view. Accept people as they are. When provoked became aware of what you are doing. Keep an anger journal and record the exact time, place and incident. The very act of having to write will induce you to choose anger less often. Try postponing anger. Postpone anger for 60 seconds. The first 10 seconds are crucial.
Keep the anger emotions under control. Seek the positive approach and the day will become bright.